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The Pond Monster

Ecosystem Fish Pond & Water Feature Lifestyle Design, Installation & Maintenance Contractor

Serving Orlando, Tampa, Kissimmee & Central Florida (FL) Areas

Pond-Water Garden Lifestyle

The goal when creating a water garden or pond lifestyle is to balance the function of a properly filtered pond, with the beauty of a backyard oasis. The natural filtration of an ecosystem pond, along with limited mechanical filtration, provides more relaxation and less worry from your daily grind here in the Orlando/Kissimmee, Tampa, or Central Florida area.


Let’s face it… no one builds a pond because they need something else to clean on the weekends. This leads to living a better outdoor pond lifestyle.


​Life’s daily trials and tribulations wash away with the sound of water. Moving water always attracts the eyes and ears, luring you to it. It is human nature to explore this sensation, so that it soothes you in that very moment. As you read this, did your mind’s eye wander to a particular feature? Did you picture yourself in front of it, perhaps with a loved one? In the split second of answering this question, did you feel your heart rate drop? Did you feel your worries lessen? This “split second” is what we grasp and share in what we call “Living the Pond Life.” Contact us to learn more and get started on your journey to living the pond life!



In one way or another, we can all agree that living, laughing, and loving are key parts of pond life. However, these terms are relative, because we all think of these things differently — just as ponds and water features mean different things to different people. A multi-million-dollar commercial pond with massive boulders, waterfalls, and pumps is blissful to one person, while someone else may find serenity in a washtub on the porch with a waterlily and a few goldfish, in their Orlando, Tampa, Kissimmee, Central Florida area yard.


“Do you guys (pond builders) know what you do for people? You walk into a customer’s life and set them up with serenity and a place to be happy, a place to share, a place where they belong, and a place to relax, even when life is not so good to them. You give them a lifestyle! #LIVINGthePondLIFE is what you give them. Living life with a pond, and for that, you should feel awesome!”

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