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Ponds By George

Disappearing Pond-Free Waterfalls Contractor, Designer, Builder, Installer

Based in Southampton, Bucks County, PA. Serving Doylestown, Newtown & New Hope Surrounding Areas 

Disappearing Landscape Waterfalls

One Of The Hottest Trends In Water Gardening


The Pond Free - Disappearing Waterfalls are simply a re-circulating waterfall and/or stream, without the presence of a fish or Koi pond. In your Southampton, Bucks County, PA landscape you can enjoy the sight and sound of running water, without the regular cleaning or maintenance of a pond. The waterfall is undoubtedly the most beautiful and favored feature in a water garden.


If space is lacking in your yard, or you have safety concerns with a pond, go Pond Free - Disappearing Waterfall! The name basically explains it all. It’s a waterfall and stream, without the pond. So why would you want a waterfall, or fountainscape incorporated in your pondless style waterfall, without a pond? The truth is that a Pond Free Waterfall isn’t for everyone, but it can be a great alternative for someone who isn’t quite sure if a pond is right for their family. Nine times out of ten, when someone from the Doylestown, Newtown, Pennsylvania area, sees your new Pond Free Waterfall for the first time, their question will always be " Where Does The Water Go"... You will hear it every single time someone new visits, so have your answer memorized! And then send them here to find out more! CONTACT US to learn more or schedule a consultation.


Atlantic Water Gardens - Pond Free Disappearing  Waterfall


One of the most popular water feature options, installed by Ponds By George & other Pond Contractors across the country, is the Atlantic Water Gardens - Pond Free Disappearing Waterfall. This is an ideal option for consumers that want the sights and sounds of water, without having to deal with the maintenance of a traditional pond or water garden. This style of water feature is an ideal option for consumers with space constraints, small children or municipality restrictions.


We install the Atlantic Water Gardens - Pond Free Disappearing Waterfall components exclusively, as the system provides everything you need and nothing you don't! While Atlantic provides the most reliable and simple to maintain hardware, it is the excavation and boulder work that makes the waterfalls come alive. We can transform any spot in your Southampton, Bucks County, PA area yard into a tranquil, relaxing waterfall, in any size or shape!

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