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Minnesota Waterscapes

Disappearing Landscape Waterfalls Contractor, Builder & Maintenance

Serving Twin Cities, Minneapolis & St. Paul Areas Of Minnesota (MN)

Disappearing Landscape Waterfalls

Minnesota Waterscapes

One Of The Hottest Trends In Water Gardening, Disappearing Landscape Waterfalls In The Twin Cities, Minneapolis & St. Paul Areas Of Minnesota (MN)


Pondless waterfalls offer flexibility. Part of the benefit of having a pond less waterfall, is they don’t have to run all the time. That way you save on operating costs. You can put your pump on a timer, so you come home to the beautiful sound of running water. Some of the pumps we install have remotes so you can turn it on when you’re ready to enjoy your waterfall in the back yard. Or, you can leave them running all the time so all the song birds, bees, and butterflies have someplace to get a drink. Shut them off, blow the leaves off, and turn them back on!


A pondless waterfall is a beautiful way to bring low maintenance, moving water to your yard. It’s a great way to add beauty on an existing slope, or even tastefully transform a flat backyard into a relaxing atmosphere. The shallow streams create safe wading areas for kids and pets to play.


Pondless (Also called Disappearing) water feature systems are perfect for schools, businesses and those who want a front yard water feature, travel frequently, have young children or limited space. It's called a disappearing pondless waterfall because the water does not form a pond, but instead disappears into an underground pondless reservoir beneath rock and gravel. Our service areas include Twin Cities, Minneapolis, St Paul & Ramsey County, Minnesota (MN).


The water is pumped to the waterfall or rock fountain, and disappears into the pondless basin, which contains the pump chamber and pump. These water features can also have a stream incorporated into the design for added interest. The modular equipment in the pondless waterfall basin beneath the rocks and gravel is strong enough for more than ten adults to stand on. Contact us to learn more about the benefits of having a pondless waterfall installed.



Waterfalls are perhaps the most beautiful feature in a water garden, in the Twin Cities, Minneapolis & St. Paul Areas Of Minnesota (MN). You can argue that you love your fish the most, or that your gorgeous water lilies are the favorite part of your pond, or your underwater pond lighting looks spectacular at night, but the waterfall is what really makes it special. Not only is it beautiful, but it also serves a valuable purpose in your ecosystem, by aerating the water for your fish and holding the beneficial bacteria that keeps your pond algae free. However, could a waterfall survive without a pond? Sure it can. And the concept of a waterfall minus the pond is called “The Disappearing Pondless® Waterfall.”​


Benefits of a Disappearing Landscape Waterfall

• Great alternative for a front yard pond.

• Fits in small spaces where a pond might be crowded.

• Perfect for public settings (building entrances, children’s gardens, zoos, etc.) where liabilities of a pond are a concern.

• Virtually maintenance free! Simply refill the reservoir every few weeks to compensate for water loss due to evaporation.

• Energy efficient. No ecological need to run continuously.

• Set a timer – ideal for vacations and night/day settings.

• No ecosystem to worry about (fish, etc.)

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