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H2O Designs

KOI / Fish Pond Installation & Maintenance Services

Serving Lexington & Central Kentucky & Surrounding Areas

KOI-Fish Pond Contractor-Builder

KOI / Fish Pond Contractor (Builder)


There are several theories on “How To Build a Pond” in the Lexington & Central Kentucky area. Some pon contrcators-builders choose to use concrete waterfalls, bare liner ponds and UV filtration to filter their koi-fish ponds. This approach to building a pond just doesn’t make sense to us.

We construct our koi-fish ponds to work with mother nature, not against her. We use a combination of different size rocks, boulders & gravel to create a natural looking koi-fish pond that is naturally filtered by mother nature. By doing so, we have less pond maintenance, allowing our Lexington & Central Kentucky pond owners to enjoy the benefits of owning a pond instead of having to work on an unbalanced system.

Our Reviews


We Install The Aquascape Ecosystem

By installing-building your koi-fish pond/water feature to perform as an ecosystem, nature is at the heart of the water cycle, not man (Learn More about Ecosystem Ponds Here). As a result, the root systems of pond plants filter the water, natural bacteria breaks down organic matter and pond fish eat the algae. No chemicals or other devices, just nature, doing what nature does best. Relax and enjoy your water lilies as they create your very own Monet in your Lexington/Central KY backyard.

With the proper balance of Pond fish, pond plants and healthy bacteria present, not only is Pond maintenance reduced, but water quality is enhanced. In the end, we have a backyard pond that not only looks better, it is better, both for the natural habitat of fish and birds and other creatures that are drawn to water in nature, but for us as well, as we now will have more time to enjoy it, with family and friends.

Our Services

Below is our listed services.

H2O Designs Inc.

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