Pond / Water Garden & Fountain Installation
Design & Construction Services Provided By Our Contractor Members
Water Feature Design Contractors
& Installation Professionals
Construction Process
When you finally decide to jump into the water feature world, most people focus on the end result of their project or design idea. What most people don’t consider is the actual process that takes place in their yards to create a water feature. That beautiful piece of paradise you see in our members finished photos all took a giant mess in their customers yards & driveways until the last part of the cleanup was finished.
If your project is a small pond, disappearing or pondless waterfalls or fountainscape, installations can usually take place without any major disruptions in your yard, no matter how manicured. Other larger projects that may have large boulders or multiple tons and types of materials would need heavy machines going back and forth and may disrupt parts of your yard. Don’t forget to consider the construction process so you can plan your budget accordingly.
If containing the installation mess to an isolated area in your yard is one of the deciding factors, consider installations that will not require large machines to place rocks or dig larger ponds or basins. Most of the time for smaller water feature construction, the installation process starts with hand digging your pond or pondless basin by hand with shovels and moving the dirt and materials around around with wheelbarrows or tree-ball carts. This process is obviously less invasive to your yard, driveway or surrounding landscape, and can usually be installed and cleaned up in a couple of days.
What is an ecosystem pond
How do I build a pond
How does a pond ecosystem work
Can I add a stream to my pond
Can I add a bridge over my pond
How do I care for pond fish
Can my pond be repaired
How do I find a pond contractor
How do I get rid of pond algae
Pond pump maintenance
Pond skimmer repair
Biofalls Waterfall filter repair
How do I plant Aquatic Plants
How do I install LED Pond lights
How much Maintenance is a pond
How do I clean my pond
Large Water Feature Construction
Larger ponds and water features need more room to move around larger rocks and boulders, usually needing heavy machinery and a lot more room to keep large loads of materials. Driving theses machines back and forth over driveways, pavers, and grassy areas are obviously not optimal, but can be done with as little disruption as possible by using sheets of plywood to keep damage to a minimum. Having an idea on what to expect during the installation process when considering large water features will save you a lot of anxiety after the first couple days of construction when your yard looks like a bomb went off. Remember it will always look incredibly bad, before it looks incredibly beautiful.
Large Water Feature Construction
Larger ponds and water features need more room to move around larger rocks and boulders, usually needing heavy machinery and a lot more room to keep large loads of materials. Driving theses machines back and forth over driveways, pavers, and grassy areas are obviously not optimal, but can be done with as little disruption as possible by using sheets of plywood to keep damage to a minimum. Having an idea on what to expect during the installation process when considering large water features will save you a lot of anxiety after the first couple days of construction when your yard looks like a bomb went off. Remember it will always look incredibly bad, before it looks incredibly beautiful.
Outdoor Network Services
Water Garden Hobby Products & Resources
Use all of our pond & water gardens related sites to locate companies in your local area to find the products and maintenance services you are looking for to keep your pond or water feature looking it’s best all season long.
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